
年度/Academic Year 2020
授業科目名/Course Title (Japanese) 翻訳文化論
英文科目名/Course Title (English) Translation and Culture
学期/Semester 前期 単位/Credits 2
教員名/Instructor (Japanese) 石井 清猛
英文氏名/Instructor (English) ISHII, Kiyotake

講義概要/Course description
What is translation? (Theory and exercises centered on literary and media translation)
     This course provides an overview of the history, theories and actual situations of translation culture, which has played an important role in the establishment of modern Japanese culture.
     The aims are:
1. Understand the true nature of the intellectual practice called translation;
2. Nurture both critical and generous opinions and attitudes concerning translations and translators to appreciate the culture of translation properly;
3. Cultivate a sharp sensitivity for reading/writing. (N. B. The course is not intended to train translators in the making or provide career guidance in this field.)
You will be doing exercises of translation.  The main subjects are literary works, media content and criticism of literature/art. The exercises mainly consist of English-to-Japanese translation, but the translation of Japanese works into English will also be discussed. By way of group learning (and/or peer discussion), you will compare and contrast the sensibility of Japanese language and culture with the sensibility of other languages and cultures.  Students who are interested in foreign languages other than English and non-Japanese students from various countries and regions are welcome
     The class does not aim to improve pure language skills.  Instead, you are expected to learn how to understand and enjoy the translation culture and you will also be encouraged to polish your literary/artistic sensibility.

*Note: As for the first semester, we spend more time on the topic of visual media translation as the instructor's specialty is in the field.


達成目標/Course objectives
To gain an awareness of the positioning of translation culture; to nurture the approach of using words carefully through an understanding of what translation is.
授業計画/Lecture plan
授業計画/Class 1. Guidance (Let's try actual translation)
1. ガイダンス (翻訳演習に挑戦)
事前学習/Preparation  (Just bring yourself!)
事後学習/Reviewing  (Assignment 1)
授業計画/Class 2. Summary of translation issues
2. 翻訳を巡る諸問題について
事前学習/Preparation  (Reading material 1)
事後学習/Reviewing  (Assignment 2)
授業計画/Class 3.  Possibilities and limits of translation(concerning Sakutaro Hagiwara's  "Honyaku Fukano-ron" (Anargument on impossibility of translation))
3.  翻訳の可能性と限界について(萩原朔太郎の”翻訳不可能論”における不可能性の議論)
事前学習/Preparation  (Reading material 2)
事後学習/Reviewing  (Assignment 3)
授業計画/Class 4. Structure of erroneous translation (What iserroneous translation? Is a translation really erroneous? How can it beprevented?)
4. 誤訳の構造について(誤訳とは何か?翻訳は本当に間違えるものか?誤訳はどのように防げるのか?)
事前学習/Preparation  (Reading material 3)
事後学習/Reviewing  (Assignment 4)
授業計画/Class 5.Things called redundancy (Issue of the density oftext) 
5. 冗長さと呼ばれるもの(文章の密度の問題)
事前学習/Preparation  (Reading material 4)
事後学習/Reviewing  (Assignment 5)
授業計画/Class 6.What can literary translation do? What is permittedin literary translation? (Question the existing concept of translation)
事前学習/Preparation  (Reading material 5)
事後学習/Reviewing  (課題6)
授業計画/Class 7. What is visual media translation? (Part 1: Introduction to visual media translation) / Deadline for submission of book review 1
7. 映像翻訳とは何か(パート1:メディア翻訳の世界)/ 書評課題1の提出期限
事前学習/Preparation  (Reading material 6)
事後学習/Reviewing  (Assignment 7)
授業計画/Class 8.What is visual media translation? (Part 2: Japanese to English translation)
8. 映像翻訳とは何か(パート2:日英翻訳1)

事前学習/Preparation  (Reading material 7)
事後学習/Reviewing  (Assignment 8)
授業計画/Class 9.What is visual media translation? (Part 3: English to Japanese translation)
9. 映像翻訳とは何か(パート3:英日翻訳1)
事前学習/Preparation  (Reading material 8)
事後学習/Reviewing  (Assignment 9)
授業計画/Class 10. A Japanese rock artist called Osama (The King) and translated cover songs
10. 日本のロックミュージシャン王様と訳詞カバーソング
事前学習/Preparation  (Reading material 9)
事後学習/Reviewing  (Assignment 10)
授業計画/Class 11. Issues with foreign translations of Japanese literature
11. 日本文学の翻訳を巡る諸問題
事前学習/Preparation  (Reading material 10)
事後学習/Reviewing  (Assignment 11)
授業計画/Class 12.  What isvisual media translation? (Part 4: Japanese to English translation 2)
12. 映像翻訳とは何か(パート4:英日翻訳2)
事前学習/Preparation  (Reading material 11)
事後学習/Reviewing  (Assignment 12)
授業計画/Class 13. What is visual media translation? (Part 5: English to Japanese translation 2)
13. 映像翻訳とは何か(パート5:日英翻訳2)
事前学習/Preparation  (Reading material 12)
事後学習/Reviewing  (Assignment 13)
授業計画/Class 14.  What is visual media translation? (Part 6: Issues around mediatranslation) / Deadline for submission of book review 2
14. 映像翻訳とは何か(パート6:メディア翻訳の諸問題)/書評課題2の提出期限
事前学習/Preparation  (Reading material 13)
事後学習/Reviewing  (Assignment 14)
授業計画/Class 15.  Information literacy and the future of translation culture (Summary)/ Deadline for submission of final assignment
15. 情報リテラシーと翻訳文化の未来(まとめ) / 最終課題の提出期限
事前学習/Preparation  (Reading material 14)
事後学習/Reviewing  (Further reading . . . )
授業方法/Method of instruction
Group learning and/or peer discussion
1 平常点 In-class Points 40% 1. Achievement status of response sheet and assignments given from time to time
1. レスポンスシートと課題の充実度
2 レポート Report 60% 2. Book reviews (30%), final assignment (30%)
2. 書評課題(30%)、最終課題(30%)
1 Printed materials will be provided
1. The specific learning materials are kept secret, because translations and discussions are initially to be undertaken without disclosing the authors and sources. A broad range of materials ranging from modern novels to criticisms, haiku, comics and song lyrics are prepared.
2. Materials for submission are to be received only in the classroom and only at the beginning of each class. All materials for submission are to be printed out or written in pen. Those written in pencil or mechanical pencil will not be accepted.
3. Students who are absent from class five or more times will be disqualified. Being late for class twice is deemed as one absence.
4. As mentioned above, non-Japanese students are welcome (whatever your native language). What is important is to notice the differences in cultural ideas between Japan and various nations and regions, and consider the meaning of languages.